I thoroughly enjoy the art of Ju-Jitsu and I am currently in training for my 4th Dan.

I currently work as an Exercise Therapist in Physiotherapy where I specialise in the lower limb and sports rehabilitation. I have a keen interest in exercise science, training methods and injury prevention.
Sensei Asma
My many years with this club has been nothing short of an uphill journey for me.  From being a volunteer with my Sensei as a yellow belt to a fully fledged coach and now I proudly undertake my role of Coach Development Manager within my club. I have 10 years of coaching experience and feel that my journey has now led me to pass on my experiences / knowledge to the current and up coming lead and assistant coaches.
I have 10 years of coaching experience and feel that my journey has now led me to pass on my experiences / knowledge to the current and up coming lead and assistant coaches.
My many years with this club has been nothing short of an uphill journey for me.  From being a volunteer with my Sensei as a yellow belt to a fully fledged coach and now I proudly undertake my role of Coach Development Manager within my club.
Copyright © 2018  Onna Ju-Jitsu Club - All Rights reserved   Telephone: 07877466818   E-Mail: mumtazbkhan@hotmail.com

Name : Asma Mayat
Grade : Sandan 3rd Degree Black Belt
Experience : 15 Years