1. Half Shoulder into Outer Wind into Rice Bale.
2. Half Shoulder into Outer Wind into Cross Hock.
3. Half Shoulder into Wrist Lock into Arm and Shoulder Throw.
4. Defence against three attackers, Front Kick, Cross Block with Elbow to Ribs, followed Defence against Two Punches.
5. Defence against three attackers, Front Kick, Cross Block and Elbow to Ribs followed by Defence against a Kick.
6. Defence against three attackers, Front Kick, Cross Block and Elbow to Ribs followed by Defence against a Kick, Left Cross Block and Reverse Elbow.
7. Cross Block, Three Elbows followed by Cross Blocks to opponents finishing with Knife Hand Strikes.
8. Defence against three attackers, Front Kick, Cross Block, Elbow to Ribs followed by Defence against Two Punches, Step Back, Escape from Back Arm and Collar Hold.
9. Defence against two attackers, Palm Heel Block, Elbow to Ribs, Left Block to Left Punch, Step Across, Knife Hand to Neck, Knee to Elbow, Elbow to Face, Upper Rising Block, Punch to Solar Plexus, Figure of Four Lock, Cross Block with Leopard's Paw to throat, followed by:
Junior Gold Tab 12 Belt Syllabus
Junior Gold
Tab 12
Belt Syllabus
Copyright © 2018 Onna Ju-Jitsu Club - All Rights reserved Telephone: 07877466818 E-Mail: mumtazbkhan@hotmail.com
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10. Weapon Kata Kama: Black Belt Kata.
11. Weapon Kata Sai: Black Belt Kata.
12. Perform 4 directional Kata with Kama.
Escape from Grab to Shoulder (Step to Side, Defence against two Punches)
Defence against a further attack with Palm Heel Defence followed by Hammer Blow.
Variations on Hold Downs Kata
Tonfa Katas: 1, 2 and Advanced
Bo Kata: Shushi No Kon Sho 1 and 2
Sword: Iai Jutsu, Taweshi Geri and Standing Sword Kata